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The information contained on this website is believed to be accurate at the time of posting. Actual quantities are not guaranteed and are subject to change without prior notice due to unforeseen circumstances including, but not limited to, breakage, changes to orders and deliveries, or returns.

Bottles available: Warehouse inventory available as of the date noted.

Bottles delivered: Spirits delivered to Iowa Class “E” liquor licensees in the last 14 days. For data beyond this timeframe, please visit

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77049 Sir Winston Apple

Data is current as of February 16, 2025
Location Street City State ZIP Bottles Delivered
Bancroft Liquor Store 107 North Portland Street Bancroft IA 50517 6
Fareway Stores #531 / Algona 1905 Highway 18 E Algona IA 50511 6
Fareway Stores #815 / Cresco 112 S Elm St Cresco IA 52136 4
Fareway Stores #902 / Hampton 309 Central Ave West Hampton IA 50441 3
Hy-Vee -Garner 255 West US HWY 18 Garner IA 50438 2
Liquor Tobacco & Grocery - Mason City 18 North Monroe Avenue Mason City IA 50401 4
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