Training Resources:
- Training Packet: Where do I start? Dive into this meticulously designed PDF packet; it’s your go-to for all essential training materials, find it online here [Website Link Here].
- Training Videos: Please check out all of our training videos.
To register an account, you need:
- Your Username
- Your Current Password
- A valid email that can receive emails from external sources.
- Please whitelist the following email addressee
- Notifications, registrations, and user approvals will be sent from this no-reply address.
Got questions? We’re here for you! Email us at or call 515-281-4700. Remember to include a callback number and specify that you have a question about the Shop Portal Upgrade.
What are the password requirements?
- Secure passwords should:
- Be at least 8 characters long
- Have at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letters.
- Have at least 1 number and 1 symbol - #, $, !, etc.