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Weather Update

Dear Store Owner or Manager,

As we brace for another Iowa winter we are reminded of the challenges snowfall poses on our travel/delivery schedule. The clearance of snow, ice or compacted snow during winter months not only benefits the motoring public but is essential for the delivery of product from Ruan Transportation in partnership with the Iowa Department of Revenue. Ruan understands that during periods of heavy snowfall and sudden weather inconsistencies it may not be possible for all driving and walking surfaces to remain completely clear. In order to assist Ruan in maintaining business as usual we ask that your location comply with the following guidelines during inclement weather:

  • All clearance of snow or ice, sanding, salting and other maintenance respecting winter conditions needs to be completed prior to the drivers scheduled arrival time.
  • 10 foot wide driving path needs to be cleared from the street entrance on your premises all the way through to the point of delivery and to exit your location.
  • A clear and safe path wide enough to accommodate a two-wheeler or hand pallet (Approximately 48 inches wide) to bring the product from the truck onto the premises. If your location has stairs they will also need to be cleared.
  • Loading docks need to be shoveled and sanded or salted to prevent the driver from getting stuck in the loading bay. If your location does not include a dock, a safe path devoid of any ice, packed snow and standing water that leads to the licensed premises must be available.

We ask that the above conditions be maintained to help provide safety and efficiencies for our route drivers and the general public.

During times of inclement weather, Ruan staff will contact you should delivery delays occur. With your assistance we can help ensure the safety of our drivers and the punctual delivery of your products.

If you have any questions contact Ruan Transportation at / 515-235-4409.