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Vendor Portal Help Page

Training Resources:

  • Training Packet: Where do I start? Dive into this meticulously designed PDF packet; it’s your go-to for all essential training materials, find it online here [Website Link Here].
  • Training Videos: The below tutorial video will explain how to utilize the user guide and give a preview of the upcoming Vendor Portal. Additionally see the Migration video below, it is specific to Customers but he migration process is the same for both LE customer users and Vendors.

Vendor Guide

A video demonstration of the vendor portal using the Vendor Portal Training Guide.

Account Migration

A how to video on how to migrate your account. Please see page two of the Shop Portal User Guide.

To complete the migration all you will need is the below items:

  1. Your Username
  2. Your Current Password
  3. A valid email that can receive emails from external sources.
  4. Please whitelist the following email addressee
    • Notifications, registrations, and user approvals will be sent from this no-reply address.

Got questions? We’re here for you! Email us at or call 515-281-4700. Remember to include a callback number and specify that you have a question about the Shop Portal Upgrade.

We're really excited about this big step forward! The materials provided in this email will make the transition smooth for you and we look forward to seeing you at the training session!

Pre-launch meeting questions

Will this meeting be recorded and if so, where could I find the link with the recording?
  • This meeting is recorded and a link will be provided on the upgrade information page.
Will the address still work?
  • Yes.  The site’s url will be changing but if you use it will redirect you to the new url
Do we need to change any user name, password, or any other things from our side?
  • The one thing you may need to update is changing your password to a secure one. Secure passwords should:
    • Be at least 8 characters long
    • Have at least 1 uppercase and 1 lowercase letters.
    • Have at least 1 number and 1 symbol - #, $, !, etc.
    • If your old password is already secure, you should be able to use it again.
If we have multiple people using the same account, do we have to migrate multiple times?
  • This meeting is recorded and a link will be provided shortly.
  • Each account only needs to be migrated once.
  • If you have multiple people using the same account, you can continue doing that, or you can add new accounts after the initial migration.  Check out the vendor guide section on sub-addressing for information on how to use the same email address with multiple accounts.
How often is "Current Inventory" updated?
  • It is updated dynamically in real-time.
If A product is an old label would we have the opportunity to update it here?
  • Go to the Products Quote section. Select “Create Quote” and choose the Quote Type: 'Image/Label Change'.
  • The approval process remains the same.
Has the PO upload template changed? Portal shows csv upload but have been using xlsx file
  • Yes. We recommend you download the new P.O. Upload Template.
Is Requested Delivery Date required in the new template?
  • You add the requested date to the form, not the template.  The date is required.